Hello kids, today we are going to tell you the story of the most famous of British kings, The King Arthur and the legend of the sword in the stone. According to different medieval histories and romances, Arthur was the leader of Britain during the late 5th and early 6th centuries. He defended the crown against Saxon invaders culminating with a victory at Mons Badonicus. The name of Arthur derives from the Roman name “Artorius”. The legend says that the magician Merlin placed a big sword in a stone, and that man who managed to extract it from there, would be the legitimate king of the kingdom. Hundreds of people tried, but the only person who succeeded was Arthur. The sword received the name of Excalibur. It is said that the sword had magical powers. Arthur’s base was at a place called Camelot where he built a big castle. His knights met at a Round Table where they debated kingdom affairs.
We hope you are well at home and have enjoyed the story of King Arthur and the legend of Excalibur. You will have more stories soon.
Best wishes, Isaac and Razvan.
